September 11, 2011


I don't want this. Never expect you to come.
this is tiring.
God, give me strength. Help me to forget him. You give me this feeling, oh god give me strength. You know me best...

If you love him, let go because love is to set him free.
you wanna be free, and yes, that is something that I can give. I promise.
I don't deserve you. But deep down.. I realized that all my life, you're the one I've been fighting for. I don't want to give up on you coz you're my inspiration.

what to do? *sigh

September 09, 2011


I do.
believe in this.

Ya Allah ,
... Ajarkan aku mencintai dengan sederhana..
Ajarkan aku agar lebih pandai memendam cinta..
Ajarkan aku untuk lebih mencintai-Mu dan kekasih-Mu
Ya Allah,
jagalah aku dari dosa dunia..
Jagalah dia dari dosa cinta..
Aku mencintainya karena- Mu
Aku pun akan rela melepaskannya apabila Engkau kehendaki.

"i wish, i wish, to let go is to fear less and love even more."

Kau.. menjauhkan diri?
after all this time?
It is so sad knowing you've changed this much. for an unknown reason.
I wish, I wish I never met you.
It's tearing me apart because I don't know you, anymore.

I can't stand thinking bout you every, single minute. My heart's dying. Heal me I'm heartsick. :(