July 01, 2010


I LOVE MY FRIENDS. duhhh lame.. but yes I do. Yeah folks, I appreciate all of you.

hurm, from the first day in kindergarten until now , 1/7/2010, ( dah 17 tahun, yay ) fuhh, there are lots of good and bad times we had together. If I could say how muchhhhhh i love ya all, hehehe... ouh, sorry for my best friends from the year 2000-2005, I didn't have or I've lost our pictures. hmph too bad. SORRY. But life must go on.


haha, nak cerita apa pasal SZERS ni? Well.. all of us ... are SZERS always and forever. Let it be secret. ( eceh kononnya ) cerita cket2 sudaaah. hurm, budak2 szers ni, kan, mereka ni, kan, aiyo there is no appropriate word for them. alaa, Szers ni sbnrnya classmates since 2008 ( form 3 )

haha, nk list nama diorang ? tak payah la. tgk gmbr sudah. our activities ? so far it has been really fun. wait. org kuat szers ? mereka2 ni lee :

  1. Amirul Nazmi b. Nazar

  2. Nurhafizah bt Ibrahim

  3. Afiq Hanafie b. Azlan

  4. Puteri Hilma Nabilah bt Abdul Khofar

  5. Nur Shahidah bt Zainudin

ada byk lagi sbnrnya.. including myself yg agak slalu organise reunion enn. haha, masuk bakul angkat sendiri. ok2 nvm. takpelaaa org taknak ingat kita enn. eceh, mengade pulak. nih nih, tgk gmbr time szers KECIK2 DULUUU , :D

owhhh kecik sungguh kita time ini. wahh comel comel and innocent jee. oh, as you all can see, the date is 5/11/2008 , which means, this FUTSAL SESSION was held a day after my birthday 4/11/2008. hehe, alang alang menyeluk pekasam, baik cerita enn ? I REMEMBER MY 15TH birthday celebration at KFC ( jee, haha, ngan kwn2 sudaaah) after BOWLING SESSION at PAS. oh, it was great. memorable. hah, ingat lg 4/11/2008 jugak our class TIME CAPSULE telah dibuat yg dikatakan akan dibuka beramai ramai pada REUNION SZERS 2020, hahaha ,

ni baru futsal. ohh rindunyaaaaaa. time tu tak busy enn, takpe takpe after SPM boleh aaa.

eh , SZERS ! korang jgn buat buat busy pulaa after SPM. aku cekik sorang sorang kang.

ni lagi satu aktiviti tahunan ;

KALUMPANG TRIP 2008 ; hihihihihihihih :D -------------------- alaaa, kat atas gmbr futsal.

oh oh, want more pics ? nahh. cukup cukup. I know all of you don't wanna hear more from me bout this whole szers thing :D

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